CASE Families living in Indiana in 1900.
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NameLocation AgeBirth YearBirth StatePage #
{Family 61}
Abslon RWhitewater, Franklin 76 1824Indiana176
Julia MWhitewater, Franklin 40 1860Indiana
A AllenWhitewater, Franklin 37 1863Indiana
A EarlWhitewater, Franklin 14 1886West Virginia
E ClintonWhitewater, Franklin 121888West Virginia
{Family 62}
WilliamWhitewater, Franklin 26 1874Indiana174
AnnaWhitewater, Franklin 25 1875Indiana
Howard MWhitewater, Franklin 4 1896Indiana
Benjamin HWhitewater, Franklin 1 1899Indiana
AmandaWhitewater, Franklin 61 1839Indiana
Elnora NWhitewater, Franklin 71 1829Indiana
{Family 63}
ColeMontgomery, Gibson 18 1882Illinois104
ElmerMontgomery, Gibson 15 1885Illinois
{Family 64}
GennMontgomery, Gibson 29 1871Illinois104
MayMontgomery, Gibson 19 1881Indiana
NettieMontgomery, Gibson 3 1897Indiana
{Family 65}
HenryMontgomery, Gibson 45 1855Arkansas100
EllenMontgomery, Gibson 35 1865Indiana
MinnieMontgomery, Gibson 161884Indiana
LydaMontgomery, Gibson 13 1887Indiana
OscarMontgomery, Gibson 10 1890Indiana
MarthaMontgomery, Gibson 8 1892Indiana
RollieMontgomery, Gibson 5 1895Indiana
ZillieMontgomery, Gibson 3 1897Indiana
{Family 66}
MinnieMontgomery, Gibson 161884Indiana105b
LidyMontgomery, Gibson 19 1881Indiana
{Family 67}
DanielCenter, Grant 24 1876Michigan12
{Family 68}
John HCenter, Grant 55 1845Indiana132b
Jennie LCenter, Grant 50 1850Virginia
Charles LCenter, Grant 26 1874Indiana
Walter HCenter, Grant 24 1876Indiana
FlorenceCenter, Grant 21 1879Indiana
BessieCenter, Grant 161884Indiana
HelenCenter, Grant 15 1885Indiana
EdithCenter, Grant 13 1887Indiana
{Family 69}
LaraCenter, Grant 48 1852Indiana171
Mary ECenter, Grant 41 1859Indiana
EthelCenter, Grant 17 1883Indiana
LouisCenter, Grant 15 1885Indiana
ElmiraCenter, Grant 121888Indiana
{Family 70}
Mary CCenter, Grant 56 1844Indiana139
Frone ACenter, Grant 48 1852Indiana
Alice MCenter, Grant 43 1857Indiana
Celeste MCenter, Grant 35 1865Indiana
Arthur ECenter, Grant 13 1887Indiana
{Family 71}
E EJefferson, Grant 37 1863Minnesota60b
Ella FJefferson, Grant 28 1872Minnesota
Glen AJefferson, Grant 8 1892Minnesota
HaroldJefferson, Grant 7 1893Minnesota
Lois JJefferson, Grant 5 1895Indiana
KenneyJefferson, Grant 1 1899Indiana
{Family 72}
BessieMarion, Grant 19 1881Indiana72
LouisMarion, Grant 23 1877Indiana
MableMarion, Grant 10/12 1899Indiana
{Family 73}
Jabez(?)Beech Creek, Greene 28 1872Indiana2
Rose(?)Beech Creek, Greene 23 1876Indiana
?Beech Creek, Greene 10 1890Indiana
?Beech Creek, Greene 7 1893Indiana
George(?)Beech Creek, Greene 4 1895Indiana
WilliamBeech Creek, Greene 2 1897Indiana
?Beech Creek, Greene 1 1899Indiana
{Family 74}
Jacob YJackson, Hamilton 57 1843Ohio140b
Sarah JJackson, Hamilton 51 1849Ohio
FreddieJackson, Hamilton 21 1879Indiana
CharleyJackson, Hamilton 15 1885Indiana
CommieJackson, Hamilton 27 1873Indiana
Stella EJackson, Hamilton 24 1876Ohio
{Family 75}
PeterJackson, Hamilton 90 1810New Jersey152b
LucyJackson, Hamilton 56 1843Indiana
Una IJackson, Hamilton 20 1880Indiana
Howell OJackson, Hamilton 17 1882Indiana
Ina WJackson, Hamilton 15 1885Indiana
JasperJackson, Hamilton 38 1861Indiana
{Family 76}
VincentJackson, Hamilton 47 1853Indiana140b
AmeliaJackson, Hamilton 48 1852Ohio
Gertie BJackson, Hamilton 18 1882Indiana
Della BJackson, Hamilton 9 1891Indiana
{Family 77}
ClarenceNoblesville, Hamilton 26 1874Indiana201b
CatharineNoblesville, Hamilton 29 1871Indiana
{Family 78}
MabelNoblesville, Hamilton 18 1882Indiana201
{Family 79}
MinnieNoblesville, Hamilton 24 1876Indiana207b
EllaNoblesville, Hamilton 161884Indiana
{Family 80}
TacyBlue River, Hancock 58 1842Indiana9
NathanielBlue River, Hancock 25 1875Indiana
George WBlue River, Hancock 22 1878Indiana
Pery PBlue River, Hancock 20 1880Indiana
TressaBlue River, Hancock 13 1887Indiana
{Family 81}
BirdPosey, Harrison 47 1852Indiana28b
{Family 82}
JohnPosey, Harrison 15 1885Indiana22
{Family 83}
JosephPosey, Harrison 35 1865Indiana16
MaggiePosey, Harrison 43 1857Indiana
Levy BlanchePosey, Harrison 9 1891Indiana
{Family 84}
Peter LPosey, Harrison 80 1820Indiana33
Mary EPosey, Harrison 75 1825Indiana
{Family 85}
BirdTaylor, Harrison 44 1856Indiana65
WalterTaylor, Harrison 18 1882Indiana
PearlTaylor, Harrison 121888Indiana
{Family 86}
Mary ATaylor, Harrison 63 1837Indiana64b
Lizzie LTaylor, Harrison 30 1870Indiana
{Family 87}
TheodoreTaylor, Harrison 42 1858Indiana64b
HattieTaylor, Harrison 36 1864Indiana
Joseph OTaylor, Harrison 15 1885Indiana
Maggie ETaylor, Harrison 8 1892Indiana
Iva B (Ira?)Taylor, Harrison 7 1893Indiana
Annie ETaylor, Harrison 5 1895Indiana
Nellie PTaylor, Harrison 3 1897Indiana
Jesse LTaylor, Harrison 5/12 1900Indiana
{Family 88}
Louis CEel River, Hendricks 70 1830Kentucky181
Josie MEel River, Hendricks 52 1848Kentucky
OrphusEel River, Hendricks 21 1879Indiana
ModaEel River, Hendricks 161884Indiana
MurlEel River, Hendricks 13 1887Indiana
{Family 89}
Thomas HEel River, Hendricks 54 1846Indiana168
LouisaEel River, Hendricks 50 1850Indiana
LorineEel River, Hendricks 32 1868Indiana
{Family 90}
DavidGuilford, Hendricks 161884Indiana161

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