CASE Families living in Indiana in 1900.
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NameLocation AgeBirth YearBirth StatePage #
{Family 32}
AbigailCenter, Delaware 80 1820Ohio245b
Hugh ACenter, Delaware 14 1886Indiana
{Family 33}
Austin CCenter, Delaware 47 1853Indiana206
HarrietCenter, Delaware 47 1853Ireland
Miriam ECenter, Delaware 25 1875Indiana206b
Emma LCenter, Delaware 22 1878Indiana
David FCenter, Delaware 19 1881Indiana
{Family 34}
Euassa B (Erastus)Center, Delaware 47 1853Indiana231
AliceCenter, Delaware 44 1856Indiana
MaudCenter, Delaware 22 1878Indiana
RaymondCenter, Delaware 20 1880Indiana
BlancheCenter, Delaware 18 1882Indiana
{Family 35}
Murry THamilton, Delaware 23 1877Indiana128b
Cordie MHamilton, Delaware 20 1880Indiana
Earl JHamilton, Delaware 3 1897Indiana
Ester MHamilton, Delaware 1 1899Indiana
{Family 36}
Urilla BMount Pleasant, Delaware 34 1866Oregon209b
Marvis BMount Pleasant, Delaware 34 1866New York
NannineMount Pleasant, Delaware 1 1899Indiana
{Family 37}
Gordin AWashington, Delaware 54 1846Ohio306
JaneWashington, Delaware 49 1851Indiana
WilliamWashington, Delaware 29 1871Indiana
CharlesWashington, Delaware 26 1874Indiana
ElmoreWashington, Delaware 24 1876Indiana
MaudWashington, Delaware 18 1882Indiana
DoraWashington, Delaware 17 1883Indiana
EmmaWashington, Delaware 13 1887Indiana
ErsiaWashington, Delaware 10 1890Indiana
CarlWashington, Delaware 2 1898Indiana
{Family 38}
WilliamWashington, Delaware 46 1854Indiana299
GenettaWashington, Delaware 41 1859Illinois
LorettaWashington, Delaware 21 1879Indiana
MaggieWashington, Delaware 15 1885Indiana
EdnaWashington, Delaware 14 1886Indiana
OmerWashington, Delaware 10 1890Indiana
{Family 39}
MaryColumbia, Dubois 9 1891Indiana63b
Della FColumbia, Dubois 7 1893Indiana
{Family 40}
John JJefferson, Dubois 50 1850Indiana148b
Addie NJefferson, Dubois 48 1852Indiana
Arr ZJefferson, Dubois 19 1881Indiana
Gordlet LJefferson, Dubois 15 1885Indiana
Lala B (Lola?)Jefferson, Dubois 13 1887Indiana
Cleo CJefferson, Dubois 11 1889Indiana
Edna LJefferson, Dubois 10 1890Indiana
{Family 41}
ChesterBenton, Elkhart 71 1829New York231b
{Family 42}
Allie EConcord, Elkhart 18 1882Indiana346b
{Family 43}
Henry SConcord, Elkhart 47 1853Michigan329b
Eva LConcord, Elkhart 40 1860Indiana
{Family 44}
Mey (Meg)Concord, Elkhart 25 1875Indiana24
{Family 45}
AbigaleElkhart, Elkhart 81 1819New York172b
{Family 46}
Frank HElkhart, Elkhart 35 1865Indiana100
FlorenceElkhart, Elkhart 24 1876Indiana
Mary LElkhart, Elkhart 4 1896Indiana
Benjamin FElkhart, Elkhart 2 1898Indiana
{Family 47}
Isaac AElkhart, Elkhart 61 1839New York172
{Family 48}
Lewis FElkhart, Elkhart 50 1850Indiana146
EllenElkhart, Elkhart 46 1854Ohio
Charles CElkhart, Elkhart 18 1882Indiana
{Family 49}
Benjamin PWashington, Elkhart 66 1834Indiana324b
May EWashington, Elkhart 66 1834Indiana325
{Family 50}
KateColumbia, Fayette 35 1865Indiana1
{Family 51}
Charles AConnersville, Fayette 34 1866Indiana78b
Hattie EConnersville, Fayette 32 1868Indiana
RussellConnersville, Fayette 6 1894Indiana79
MildredConnersville, Fayette 10/12 1899Indiana
{Family 52}
ClintonConnersville, Fayette 47 1853Indiana23b
RebeccaConnersville, Fayette 34 1866Indiana
Conia (Bernice?)Connersville, Fayette 13 1887Indiana
RubyConnersville, Fayette 11 1889Indiana
PearlConnersville, Fayette 9 1891Indiana
CliffordConnersville, Fayette 2 1898Indiana
{Family 53}
DaisyJackson, Fayette 20 1880Indiana110
{Family 54}
Abram HGeorgetown, Floyd 42 1858Indiana13
Martha AGeorgetown, Floyd 42 1858Indiana
MyrtleGeorgetown, Floyd 19 1881Indiana
Raasca (Rosco)Georgetown, Floyd 18 1882Indiana
AlfredGeorgetown, Floyd 15 1885Indiana
LawrenceGeorgetown, Floyd 13 1887Indiana
LuluGeorgetown, Floyd 9 1891Indiana
BerthaGeorgetown, Floyd 7 1893Indiana
SylvesterGeorgetown, Floyd 4 1896Indiana
RobertGeorgetown, Floyd 2 1898Indiana
GeorgeGeorgetown, Floyd 6/12 1900Indiana
{Family 55}
George WNew Albany, Floyd 35 1864Indiana258
Ida MNew Albany, Floyd 35 1864Indiana
Carolton ENew Albany, Floyd 1 1898Indiana
{Family 56}
Marvin TLogan, Fountain 56 1844Wisconsin202b
Mary ELogan, Fountain 55 1845Indiana
Jessie DLogan, Fountain 28 1872Indiana
ClarenceLogan, Fountain 26 1874Indiana
MinnieLogan, Fountain 23 1877Indiana
LarenceLogan, Fountain 19 1881Indiana
{Family 57}
MinnieTroy, Fountain 30 1870Indiana320b
{Family 58}
Clinton EBrookville, Franklin 32 1868Indiana51b
Ora BBrookville, Franklin 30 1870Indiana
JeanBrookville, Franklin 5 1895Indiana
{Family 59}
Lana EBrookville, Franklin 61 1838Indiana20
Mary LBrookville, Franklin 31 1869Indiana
{Family 60}
William LHighland, Franklin 75 1825Indiana78
LucindaHighland, Franklin 73 1827Ohio

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