CASE Families living in Washington in 1910.
This index is an 'as-is' report from Time constraints force me to skip looking up the census record images for proofreading, so there are no page numbers listed for the people here. I am hoping that as you locate your people, you will make note of the page number and share it with me for listing here. Email Lori

NameLocationBirth Year
+- 1 year
Birth State RelationshipPage #
{Family 1}
Ezra J [I] Billington, Adams1863IowaHead
QueenBillington, Adams1893MissouriDaughter
{Family 2}
William Willis, Adams1889?Servant
{Family 3}
William HCloverland, Asotin1859CaliforniaHead
Mary JCloverland, Asotin1866MissouriWife
Martha ECloverland, Asotin1890WashingtonDaughter
PearlCloverland, Asotin1896WashingtonDaughter
MabelCloverland, Asotin1899WashingtonDaughter
{Family 4}
Wlysea S [Ulysses] North Prosser, Benton1869IowaHead239b
Mary ENorth Prosser, Benton1871MissouriWife
Zelma MNorth Prosser, Benton1895MissouriDaughter
Clifford SNorth Prosser, Benton1899WashingtonSon
Geremia MNorth Prosser, Benton1903WashingtonDaughter
Glenn WNorth Prosser, Benton1906WashingtonSon
{Family 5}
Lewis WRichland, Benton1859NebraskaRoomer
{Family 6}
Alexander Wellington, Benton1863IndianaHead
Katy M Wellington, Benton1875IowaWife
Carrie M Wellington, Benton1898WashingtonDaughter
Harry D Wellington, Benton1900WashingtonSon
Lonnie A Wellington, Benton1903WashingtonSon
{Family 7}
Frank [Grant]
Surname listed Cass
Hoquiam Ward 2, Chehalis1885?Lodger
{Family 8}
HarryHoquiam Ward 2, Chehalis1848WashingtonLodger
{Family 9}
GrantHoquiam Ward 4, Chehalis1886OregonBoarder
{Family 10}
Deck [Dick]Oakville, Chehalis1850WashingtonHead
MaryOakville, Chehalis1855WashingtonWife
WilliardOakville, Chehalis1898WashingtonGrandson
{Family 11}
Surname listed Cara
West Elma, Chehalis1855MichiganEmployee
{Family 12}
C W Chelan, Chelan1857OhioHead
LillieChelan, Chelan1884CanadaWife
{Family 13}
Frank D
Surnames listed Cass
Wenatchee, Chelan1879NebraskaHead
Irene RWenatchee, Chelan1882WisconsinWife
Dell PWenatchee, Chelan1886NebraskaBrother
{Family 14}
WColumbia, Chelan1860?Lodger
{Family 15}
Fred C [L]
Surnames listed Cock
Lakeside, Chelan1882MichiganHead
Hazel ELakeside, Chelan1885MichiganWife
Gladys VLakeside, Chelan1904MichiganDaughter
{Family 16}
Clarence EDungeness, Clallam1888NebraskaHead
{Family 17}
Sidney JPort Angeles Ward 2, Clallam1879MichiganRoomer
{Family 18}
JohnPort Angeles Ward 5, Clallam1869IowaHead
MargaretPort Angeles Ward 5, Clallam1870KansasWife
WesleyPort Angeles Ward 5, Clallam1893WashingtonSon
BlanchPort Angeles Ward 5, Clallam1897WashingtonDaughter
RuthPort Angeles Ward 5, Clallam1907WashingtonDaughter
{Family 19}
George WPort Angeles Ward 6, Clallam1838New YorkHead
SarahPort Angeles Ward 6, Clallam1841OhioWife
CharlesPort Angeles Ward 6, Clallam1905WashingtonGrandson
{Family 20}
MelvinPort Angeles Ward 6, Clallam1872KansasHead
SamanthaPort Angeles Ward 6, Clallam1876PennsylvaniaWife
MabelPort Angeles Ward 6, Clallam1894KansasDaughter
WilliamPort Angeles Ward 6, Clallam1897KansasSon
GlenPort Angeles Ward 6, Clallam1898KansasSon
OrrinPort Angeles Ward 6, Clallam1908WashingtonSon
{Family 21}
EdwardVancouver, Clark1866OhioHead
{Family 22}
John WStarbuck, Columbia1887OregonHead
Lillie BStarbuck, Columbia1888WashingtonWife
Wilma MStarbuck, Columbia1908WashingtonDaughter
Charles VStarbuck, Columbia1910WashingtonSon
{Family 23}
Surname listed Cors
Castle Rock, Cowlitz1839OhioLaborer108b
{Family 24}
AlbertYeager, Douglas1865WisconsinHead
MameYeager, Douglas1863WisconsinWife
RuthYeager, Douglas1847WisconsinDaughter
{Family 25}
Louis SWaterville, Douglas1870MichiganHead
Dora AWaterville, Douglas1874KansasWife
Roland GWaterville, Douglas1895WashingtonSon
Hazel MWaterville, Douglas1899WashingtonDaughter
Cecile BWaterville, Douglas1901WashingtonDaughter
Jessie MWaterville, Douglas1904WashingtonDaughter
Louis SWaterville, Douglas1906WashingtonSon
{Family 26}
Nellie RKahlotus, Franklin1853WisconsinHead
Roy GKahlotus, Franklin1883IowaSon
Jay IKahlotus, Franklin1889IowaSon
{Family 27}
Benj FFishhook, Franklin1854CaliforniaHead
Adelaide BFishhook, Franklin1863MichiganWife
{Family 28}
Claud FStratford, Grant1883OregonHead
Ida BStratford, Grant1888IowaWife
Clarence FStratford, Grant1908WashingtonSon
{Family 29}
WirtCamano, Island1859MichiganHead
LillieCamano, Island1869MichiganWife
{Family 30}
Henry L Oak Harbor, Island1849MaineUncle

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