CASE Families living in New York in 1910.
Page 34
This index is an 'as-is' report from Time constraints force me to skip looking up the census record images for proofreading, so there are no page numbers listed for the people here. I am hoping that as you locate your people, you will make note of the page number and share it with me for listing here. Email Lori

NameLocation AgeBirth YearBirth StatePage #
{Family 1001}
M RKingston Ward 11, Ulster 1871New JerseyPartner
{Family 1002}
James BNew Paltz Ward 2, Ulster 1884New JerseyLaborer345b
{Family 1003}
LouisEllenville, Ulster 1876New YorkBoarder
{Family 1004}
Alexander DShawangunk, Ulster 1852New YorkHead
Lucia MShawangunk, Ulster 1854New YorkWife
{Family 1005}
George RShawangunk, Ulster 1878New YorkHead
CatherineShawangunk, Ulster 1877New YorkWife
{Family 1006}
MartinUlster, Ulster 1863IrelandHead55
Diange [Frances]Ulster, Ulster 1879PennsylvaniaWife
DanielUlster, Ulster 1896PennsylvaniaUncle
Milton DUlster, Ulster 1903New YorkSon55b
{Family 1007}
FredCaldwell, Warren 1861 New YorkHead
LettieCaldwell, Warren 1864New YorkWife
{Family 1008}
Surnames listed Cass
Easton, Washington 1846 New YorkHead
Alice Easton, Washington 1850New YorkWife
{Family 1009}
CharlesEaston, Washington 1869New YorkHead
AlmaEaston, Washington 1870New YorkWife
HarryEaston, Washington 1893New YorkSon
ForrestEaston, Washington 1895New YorkSon
AnnaEaston, Washington 1898New YorkDaughter
{Family 1010}
Louia [Louis]
Surname listed Caver
Fort Edward, Washington 1842CanadaBoarder120b
{Family 1011}
John Fort Edward, Washington 1836New YorkHead
Susan E Fort Edward, Washington 1842MassachusettsWife
{Family 1012}
CharlesFort Edward, Washington 1874New YorkHead
RenaFort Edward, Washington 1874New YorkWife
EarlFort Edward, Washington 1900New YorkSon
{Family 1013}
ThomasFort Edward, Washington 1876 VermontHead
JessieFort Edward, Washington 1881VermontWife
Archie MFort Edward, Washington 1895VermontSon
William GFort Edward, Washington 1903New YorkSon
Beatrice EFort Edward, Washington 1907New YorkDaughter
{Family 1014}
FrankFort Edward, Washington 1860New YorkHead
AliceFort Edward, Washington 1872New YorkSister
{Family 1015}
George Fort Edward, Washington 1854New YorkHead137
Fannie Fort Edward, Washington 1862New YorkWife
John Fort Edward, Washington 1888New YorkSon
Helen Fort Edward, Washington 1889New YorkDaughter
Darwin G Fort Edward, Washington 1905New YorkSon
{Family 1016}
ThomasFort Edward, Washington 1862New YorkHead
NoraFort Edward, Washington 1862New YorkWife
{Family 1017}
George BFort Edward, Washington 1874New YorkHead
Minnie CFort Edward, Washington 1885New YorkWife
Minnie BFort Edward, Washington 1907New YorkDaughter
{Family 1018}
Surname listed Care
Hartford, Washington 1839 New YorkHead
{Family 1019}
Surnames listed Care
Kingsbury, Washington 1860New YorkHead
John Kingsbury, Washington 1890New YorkSon
Charles Kingsbury, Washington 1892New YorkSon
Arthur Kingsbury, Washington 1893New YorkSon
Edith Kingsbury, Washington 1896New YorkDaughter
Walter Kingsbury, Washington 1901New YorkSon
{Family 1020}
Ella [Elba]
Surname listed Care
Kingsbury, Washington 1886New YorkHired Man111b
{Family 1021}
Adolphus C
Surnames listed Care
Whitehall, Washington 1852CanadaHead
Paulina Whitehall, Washington 1856New YorkWife
Barnard WWhitehall, Washington 1896New YorkSon
{Family 1022}
LouisWhitehall, Washington 1892New YorkLodger
{Family 1023}
ThomasWhitehall, Washington 1880WalesBoarder
{Family 1024}
William E
Surnames listed Cass
Arcadia, Wayne 1866New YorkHead
Delia Arcadia, Wayne 1868New YorkWife
{Family 1025}
EthelArcadia, Wayne 1890VermontPatient52
{Family 1026}
Jessie AArcadia, Wayne 1887New YorkPatient53
{Family 1027}
Clara [Chas]
Surnames listed Care
Lyons, Wayne 1840New YorkBoarder206
{Family 1028}
SusanLyons, Wayne 1852New YorkHead
{Family 1029}
Agneta [Agusta]
Surnames listed Carl
MacEdon, Wayne 1857New YorkHousekeeper
{Family 1030}
AlonzoRose, Wayne 1849New YorkHead
Ina MRose, Wayne 1868New YorkWife
Fred WRose, Wayne 1894New YorkSon

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