CASE Families living in Kentucky in 1910.
This index is an 'as-is' report from Time constraints force me to skip looking up the census record images for proofreading, so there are no page numbers listed for the people here. I am hoping that as you locate your people, you will make note of the page number and share it with me for listing here.

NameLocationBirth Year
+- 1 year
Birth State RelationshipPage #
{Family 1}
AlonzoCheshire, Anderson 1870KentuckyHead
CachimCheshire, Anderson 1874KentuckyWife
NeelieCheshire, Anderson 1893KentuckyDaughter
WattieCheshire, Anderson 1894KentuckyDaughter
BeatriceCheshire, Anderson 1896KentuckyDaughter
JulaCheshire, Anderson 1898KentuckyDaughter
StanleyCheshire, Anderson 1900KentuckySon
MargaretCheshire, Anderson 1902KentuckyDaughter
WillisCheshire, Anderson 1906KentuckySon
SalathielCheshire, Anderson 1909KentuckySon
{Family 2}
John B Cheshire, Anderson 1842KentuckyHead
Nancye J Cheshire, Anderson 1848KentuckyWife
Annie A Cheshire, Anderson 1879KentuckyDaughter
John H Cheshire, Anderson 1883KentuckySon
{Family 3}
Silas NCheshire, Anderson 1855KentuckyHead
Sallie ECheshire, Anderson 1867KentuckyWife
StanleyCheshire, Anderson 1889KentuckySon
Alice DCheshire, Anderson 1891KentuckyDaughter
Hillie TCheshire, Anderson 1898KentuckyDaughter
Mabel MCheshire, Anderson 1900KentuckyDaughter
RuthCheshire, Anderson 1902KentuckyDaughter
{Family 4}
William HGoodnight, Anderson 1873KentuckyHead
Zora LGoodnight, Anderson 1877KentuckyWife
Clyde OGoodnight, Anderson 1895KentuckySon
Lillian TGoodnight, Anderson 1908KentuckyDaughter
{Family 5}
Elizah H
Surnames listed Carl
Goodnight, Anderson 1843KentuckyHead
Martha EGoodnight, Anderson 1844KentuckyWife
Zema RGoodnight, Anderson 1886KentuckyDaughter
{Family 6}
Judson BGoodnight, Anderson 1860KentuckyBrother
Amy EGoodnight, Anderson 1893KentuckyNiece
James GGoodnight, Anderson 1894KentuckyNephew
{Family 7}
MackGoodnight, Anderson 1869KentuckyHead
Rhoda EGoodnight, Anderson 1858KentuckyWife
Victoria GGoodnight, Anderson 1886KentuckyDaughter
William HGoodnight, Anderson 1892KentuckySon
Edward NGoodnight, Anderson 1895KentuckySon
Thelma CGoodnight, Anderson 1898KentuckyDaughter
Herman RGoodnight, Anderson 1907KentuckySon
{Family 8}
Nartha E [Martha]Goodnight, Anderson 1856KentuckyHead
CoraGoodnight, Anderson 1895KentuckyStepdaughter
{Family 9}
William HGoodnight, Anderson 1863 KentuckyHead
Lila CGoodnight, Anderson 1860KentuckyWife
Jeff WGoodnight, Anderson 1887KentuckySon
Isaac MGoodnight, Anderson 1897KentuckySon
Mary EGoodnight, Anderson 1900KentuckyDaughter
Pearl AGoodnight, Anderson 1903KentuckyDaughter
{Family 10}
Wade CGoodnight, Anderson 1885KentuckyHead
Hilpah AGoodnight, Anderson 1888KentuckyWife
CiplaGoodnight, Anderson 1906KentuckyDaughter
Etty OGoodnight, Anderson 1909KentuckySon
{Family 11}
Clud F [Clyd] Lawrenceburg, Anderson 1881KentuckyHead
AllaLawrenceburg, Anderson 1885KentuckyWife
Maggie MLawrenceburg, Anderson 1905KentuckyDaughter
C S JRLawrenceburg, Anderson 1907KentuckySon
Wallace BLawrenceburg, Anderson 1909KentuckySon
{Family 12}
Surnames listed Cass
Magisterial District 5, Bath 1869KentuckyHead
Mellie Magisterial District 5, Bath 1881KentuckyWife
{Family 13}
Surnames listed Care
Magisterial District 5, Bath 1867KentuckyHead262
Prudie Magisterial District 5, Bath 1868 [1848]KentuckyMother
{Family 14}
Lillan Magisterial District 6, Bath 1905KentuckyNiece
{Family 15}
ArthurCallaway, Bell 1888North CarolinaHead
MargaretCallaway, Bell 1890North CarolinaWife
{Family 16}
George RAshland Ward 3, Boyd 1891OhioHead
Cora LAshland Ward 3, Boyd 1882KentuckyWife
{Family 17}
Surnames listed Casa
Ashland Ward 3, Boyd 1851OhioHead
Bessie Ashland Ward 3, Boyd 1884OhioDaughter
Albert Ashland Ward 3, Boyd 1887OhioSon
{Family 18}
ArnoldMillersburg, Bourbon 1882KentuckyHead93
MillieMillersburg, Bourbon 1882KentuckyWife
Williom [William]Millersburg, Bourbon 1902KentuckySon
Alberta EMillersburg, Bourbon 1910KentuckyDaughter
{Family 19}
Surnames listed Carr
Millersburg, Bourbon 1880KentuckyHead
Lizzie MMillersburg, Bourbon 1878KentuckyWife
George WMillersburg, Bourbon 1899KentuckySon
Golda MMillersburg, Bourbon 1901KentuckyDaughter
Lester LMillersburg, Bourbon 1910KentuckySon
{Family 20}
Wilford CMillersburg, Bourbon 1860 KentuckyHead103b
ArmildaMillersburg, Bourbon 1864KentuckyWife
Reorle [Pearl]Millersburg, Bourbon 1881KentuckyDaughter
Gornes [Grover]Millersburg, Bourbon 1893KentuckySon
CoraMillersburg, Bourbon 1901KentuckyAdopted Daughter
{Family 21}
George I [L]
Surnames listed Care
Millersburg, Bourbon 1859KentuckyHead104
Saral E [Sarah]Millersburg, Bourbon 1869KentuckyWife
Loyd TMillersburg, Bourbon 1892KentuckySon
Bertha MMillersburg, Bourbon 1896KentuckyDaughter
Malcer L [Dulcet?]Millersburg, Bourbon 1898KentuckyDaughter
{Family 22}
Edwn T [Edwin]North Middletown, Bourbon 1862KentuckyHead
{Family 23}
AndrewNorth Middletown, Bourbon 1875KentuckyHead
BerthaNorth Middletown, Bourbon 1889KentuckyWife
{Family 24}
James S
Surname listed Care
North Middletown, Bourbon 1883KentuckyBoarder
{Family 25}
StanleyClintonville, Bourbon 1883KentuckyStepson
{Family 26}
John W
Surnames listed Carr
Hutchison, Bourbon 1852KentuckyHead197
Minnis [Minnie]Hutchison, Bourbon 1867KentuckyWife
{Family 27}
Surname listed Care
Hutchison, Bourbon 1849KentuckyBoarder
{Family 28}
VincentRuddles Mills, Bourbon 1872KentuckyHead228
Rearl [Pearl]Ruddles Mills, Bourbon 1881KentuckyWife
MertalRuddles Mills, Bourbon 1900KentuckyDaughter
RobertRuddles Mills, Bourbon 1902KentuckySon
{Family 29}
SilasPerryville, Boyle 1861KentuckyHead
IraPerryville, Boyle 1864KentuckyWife
HallisPerryville, Boyle 1888KentuckyDaughter
{Family 30}
Surnames listed Cose
Perryville, Boyle 1864KentuckyHead
BellePerryville, Boyle 1868KentuckyWife
ArthurPerryville, Boyle 1893KentuckySon
Nellie LeePerryville, Boyle 1896KentuckyDaughter
HomerPerryville, Boyle 1898KentuckySon
FanniePerryville, Boyle 1902KentuckyDaughter
WilliePerryville, Boyle 1904KentuckySon

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