CASE Families living in Idaho in 1910.
This index is an 'as-is' report from Time constraints force me to skip looking up the census record images for proofreading, so there are no page numbers listed for the people here. I am hoping that as you locate your people, you will make note of the page number and share it with me for listing here. Lori

NameLocationBirth Year
+- 1 year
Birth State RelationshipPage #
{Family 1}
Schuyler Boise, Ada 1881New JerseyHead
Sarah M Boise, Ada 1876IllinoisWife
{Family 2}
D L Boise, Ada 1886WisconsinRoomer
{Family 3}
John Boise, Ada 1888IdahoSon
{Family 4}
Lizzie Boise, Ada 1862CanadaHead
{Family 5}
Lucius Pocatello Ward 3, Bannock 1873NebraskaHead
Lillian Pocatello Ward 3, Bannock 1879KansasWife
Helen Pocatello Ward 3, Bannock 1897IdahoDaughter
Charles Pocatello Ward 3, Bannock 1903IdahoSon
{Family 6}
Arthur B Carey, Blaine 1869UtahHead
Minnie Carey, Blaine 1878UtahWife
Irene Carey, Blaine 1895IdahoDaughter
Sterling Carey, Blaine 1903IdahoSon
{Family 7}
William B Cabinet, Bonner 1877MichiganHead
Rose H Cabinet, Bonner 1885MichiganWife
{Family 8}
Perrin Sandpoint Ward 4, Bonner 1871MichiganHead
Rose M Sandpoint Ward 4, Bonner 1872CanadaWife
Clifford P Sandpoint Ward 4, Bonner 1896MichiganSon
Floyd B Sandpoint Ward 4, Bonner 1899MichiganSon
Violet M Sandpoint Ward 4, Bonner 1902MichiganDaughter
Earl W Sandpoint Ward 4, Bonner 1909IdahoSon
{Family 9}
P W Fargo, Canyon 1874OhioHead
Maud Fargo, Canyon 1880IowaWife
Ethel Fargo, Canyon 1904NebraskaDaughter
Fern Fargo, Canyon 1905NebraskaDaughter
{Family 10}
G S Fargo, Canyon 1858IowaHead
{Family 11}
E C Fargo, Canyon 1878IowaHead
Ellen Fargo, Canyon 1882ColoradoWife
{Family 12}
William D South Payette, Canyon 1862IllinoisHead
Bertha South Payette, Canyon 1870IllinoisWife
Hazel South Payette, Canyon 1891IdahoDaughter
Frank South Payette, Canyon 1893IdahoSon
{Family 13}
James Medicine Lodge, Fremont 1865UtahLodger
{Family 14}
Rex Athol, Kootenai 1887ArkansasBoarder
{Family 15}
Charles Lake Creek, Kootenai 1888IowaCook Helper27b
{Family 16}
Thomas V Coeur D'Alene, Kootenai 1852MichiganHead
Julia Coeur D'Alene, Kootenai 1862MichiganWife
Stanley Coeur D'Alene, Kootenai 1882MichiganSon
Ashley Coeur D'Alene, Kootenai 1887MichiganSon
{Family 17}
Martha Coeur D'Alene, Kootenai 1876WisconsinServant
{Family 18}
Samuel R St Maries, Kootenai 1852North CarolinaHead
Martha M St Maries, Kootenai 1856South CarolinaWife
Effie M St Maries, Kootenai 1895TennesseeDaughter
{Family 19}
Royal D White Pine, Latah 1875CaliforniaHead
Olive C White Pine, Latah 1880IowaWife
Winnie G White Pine, Latah 1901IdahoDaughter
Nellie H White Pine, Latah 1908IdahoDaughter
Mary S White Pine, Latah 1836OhioMother
{Family 20}
Leland M Moscow, Latah 1888MinnesotaRoomer
{Family 21}
H B Cold Springs, Nez Perce 1882MissouriBoarder
{Family 22}
Sherman C Culdesac, Nez Perce 1866IowaHead
Margret Culdesac, Nez Perce 1875WashingtonWife
Lenard S Culdesac, Nez Perce 1892OregonSon
Bertha M Culdesac, Nez Perce 1893OregonDaughter
Margret E Culdesac, Nez Perce 1903IdahoDaughter
Alford Culdesac, Nez Perce 1905IdahoSon
Arthur L Culdesac, Nez Perce 1909IdahoSon
{Family 23}
Riley F King Hill, Owyhee 1874ArkansasHead
Grace A King Hill, Owyhee 1877ArkansasWife
Clay King Hill, Owyhee 1901ArkansasSon
Jasper King Hill, Owyhee 1903ArkansasSon
Austin King Hill, Owyhee 1905ArkansasSon
Maxine King Hill, Owyhee 1908ArkansasDaughter
{Family 24}
Ernest Wallace Ward 3, Shoshone 1866MassachusettsHead
Clyde Wallace Ward 3, Shoshone 1877IowaWife
Mabel Wallace Ward 3, Shoshone 1901MassachusettsDaughter
Martha Wallace Ward 3, Shoshone 1844MassachusettsDaughter
Earl Wallace Ward 3, Shoshone 1909IdahoSon

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