CASE Families living in Arizona in 1910.
This index is an 'as-is' report from Time constraints force me to skip looking up the census record images for proofreading, so there are no page numbers listed for the people here. I am hoping that as you locate your people, you will make note of the page number and share it with me for listing here. Lori

NameLocationBirth Year
+- 1 Year
StateRelationshipPage #
{Family 1}
Surname listed CASS
Bisbee Ward 2, Cochise 1881OhioRoomer 
{Family 2}
Surname listed EASE
Bisbee Ward 3, Cochise 1890MichiganRoomer 
{Family 3}
Richard I Lowell, Cochise 1876CaliforniaHead 
Ada J 1885MinnesotaWife 
{Family 4}
John MLight, Cochise 1843OhioHead 
{Family 5}
Henry J Navajo Indian Reservation, Coconino 1877OhioBoarder 
{Family 6}
Lewis Copper Hill, Gila 1884ArizonaSon1b
Clark 1888ArizonaSon 
{Family 7}
Hosea Gila River Indian Reservation, Maricopa 1872ArizonaHead70b
Agnes 1882ArizonaWife 
Raya 1897ArizonaSon 
Saleh Marie 1898ArizonaDaughter 
Eliza 1903ArizonaDaughter 
Francis 1850ArizonaMother-in-law 
{Family 8}
Charles Gila River Indian Reservation, Maricopa 1850ArizonaHead 
Blanche 1850ArizonaWife 
{Family 9}
Arthur Phoenix Ward 3, Maricopa 1882ColoradoLodger 
{Family 10}
Thomas L R Yuma, Yuma 1877New YorkHead 
Marian 1877North CarolinaWife 
{Family 11}
Samuel N Yuma, Yuma 1835New YorkHead 
{Family 12}
Samuel Dome Station, Yuma 1835New YorkHead 
{Family 13}
Janes (James?)Winslow, Navajo 1850New YorkLodger 
{Family 14}
Surname listed COSE
Tucson Ward 2, Pima 1877KansasLodger 
{Family 15}
Schuyler Nogales, Santa Cruz 1879ArizonaHead 
Aurelia 1887ArizonaWife 
Harry 1906ArizonaSon 
{Family 16}
Charles O Jerome, Yavapai 1851IllinoisHead 
Argie 1869ArkansasWife 
Wilmith 1895ArizonaDaughter 
Harvy J 1898ArizonaSon 
Eugene 1905ArizonaSon 
{Family 17}
Anna B Prescott, Yavapai 1882IowaRoomer 

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