CASE Families living in Michigan in 1900.
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NameLocation AgeBirth YearBirth StatePage #
{Family 90}
TrumanHayes, Charlevoix771822New York13
Sarah JHayes, Charlevoix601840New York
{Family 91}
CarrieSouth Arm, Charlevoix481852New York418
William HSouth Arm, Charlevoix241875Michigan
{Family 92}
Orin WSurrey, Clare431856Ohio328b
ElsieSurrey, Clare371863Michigan
{Family 93}
Marin HBingham, Clinton601839Michigan33b
Ella SBingham, Clinton391861Michigan
{Family 94}
EdwardDallas, Clinton621837Michigan73
MaryDallas, Clinton551845Michigan
WillieDallas, Clinton261873Michigan
MaryDallas, Clinton231877Michigan
LiliahDallas, Clinton31896Michigan
{Family 95}
William VDe Witt, Clinton361863Michigan89
Mary EDe Witt, Clinton331866New York
Ethel LDe Witt, Clinton101889Michigan
{Family 96}
C BEssex, Clinton381861Michigan136
Carrie MEssex, Clinton321867Michigan
Paul TEssex, Clinton61893Michigan
{Family 97}
HenryGreenbush, Clinton561843New York160b
JosephineGreenbush, Clinton461853Ohio
{Family 98}
Oscar VRiley, Clinton521847Michigan216b
Anna ORiley, Clinton491850New York
{Family 99}
ByronVictor, Clinton431857Michigan232b
Laura JVictor, Clinton431857Michigan
Glenn WVictor, Clinton171882Michigan
Ernest EVictor, Clinton131886Michigan
May RVictor, Clinton101889Michigan
Orell BVictor, Clinton91891Michigan
Anara B (Anna?)Victor, Clinton181882Germany
{Family 100}
EstellaVictor, Clinton81892Michigan234
{Family 101}
Rufas NVictor, Clinton701829New York233b
Esther AVictor, Clinton571842Michigan
Frank AVictor, Clinton221877Michigan
{Family 102}
WalterVictor, Clinton361864Michigan233b
Sarah CVictor, Clinton261873Michigan
Mary EVictor, Clinton21898Michigan
{Family 103}
BejaminGarden, Delta541845New York188
{Family 104}
Eliza AChester, Eaton831816New York118
LemuelChester, Eaton421857Ohio
{Family 105}
EllaChester, Eaton381861Michigan118
LloydChester, Eaton151885Michigan
FlossyChester, Eaton101889Michigan
{Family 106}
Lemual (Lemuel)Chester, Eaton351865Ohio118
{Family 107}
Marlin LEaton Rapids, Eaton551845Michigan146b
KatherineEaton Rapids, Eaton511849Ohio
Ida LEaton Rapids, Eaton251875Michigan
Elzora MEaton Rapids, Eaton211878Michigan
Edith WEaton Rapids, Eaton181882Michigan
Lillie BEaton Rapids, Eaton151884Michigan
{Family 108}
Jarome (Jerome?)Grand Ledge Ward 2, Eaton541845Ohio193b
Julie OGrand Ledge Ward 2, Eaton421858Michigan
Susan EGrand Ledge Ward 2, Eaton131886Michigan
{Family 109}
O RaySunfield, Eaton71893Michigan258b
{Family 110}
WellingtonCarp Lake, Emmet331866Canada38
RosettaCarp Lake, Emmet321867Ohio
{Family 111}
HarrieMaple River, Emmet251875Michigan80b
LottieMaple River, Emmet191880Denmark
{Family 112}
JohnMaple River, Emmet511848Michigan83
HarrietMaple River, Emmet571842New York
{Family 113}
CarriePleasant View, Emmet21 1876Michigan85b
{Family 114}
Charles EFenton, Genesee331866Michigan270b
Bertha EFenton, Genesee391861Michigan
Melvin EFenton, Genesee81892Michigan
Shirley EFenton, Genesee61894Michigan
{Family 115}
Ida GFenton, Genesee361863New York288
Evington WFenton, Genesee421858Michigan
Bertha HFenton, Genesee141885Michigan
Dora EFenton, Genesee141886Michigan
{Family 116}
MarthaFlint Ward 1, Genesee671833New York313b
Cora EFlint Ward 1, Genesee451855Michigan
Effie FFlint Ward 1, Genesee271873Michigan
Ella SFlint Ward 1, Genesee171883Michigan314
{Family 117}
Edward DFlint Ward 2, Genesee441856Michigan37b
Susan SFlint Ward 2, Genesee371862Michigan
Edgar DFlint Ward 2, Genesee441856Michigan
{Family 118}
John AFlint Ward 2, Genesee291870England23
Agusta MFlint Ward 2, Genesee301870England
Helen MFlint Ward 2, Genesee61893Michigan
KatherineFlint Ward 2, Genesee41895Michigan
Wm JFlint Ward 2, Genesee31896Michigan
Horace SFlint Ward 2, Genesee21898Michigan
ElsieFlint Ward 2, Genesee8/121899Michigan
{Family 119}
JohnFlint Ward 3, Genesee681832New Jersey84
{Family 120}
CliffordFlint Ward 4, Genesee161883Michigan94
{Family 121}
MarkGaines, Genesee191881Michigan171
{Family 122}
Charles JGrand Blanc, Genesee591840Michigan200b
Sarah JGrand Blanc, Genesee591840Michigan
{Family 123}
Henry BGrand Blanc, Genesee511849Michigan204b
EttieGrand Blanc, Genesee501850Michigan
{Family 124}
ClarenceThetford, Genesee551845Michigan282
NancyThetford, Genesee551844Ohio
{Family 125}
DavidVienna, Genesee801820New York286b
MargaretVienna, Genesee681832New York

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