CASE Families living in Iowa in 1900.
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NameLocation AgeBirth YearBirth StatePage #
{Family 91}
E LCorwin, Ida38 1861Iowa166
IsabelleCorwin, Ida34 1866Iowa
Hermon LCorwin, Ida16 1884Iowa
Fred LCorwin, Ida12 1887Iowa
Eva LCorwin, Ida10 1889Nebraska
Murtie LCorwin, Ida6 1893Nebraska
{Family 92}
De ForestHartford, Iowa55 1844New York95b
Marey E (Morey?)Hartford, Iowa49 1850New York
{Family 93}
ThomasMarengo, Iowa67 1833New York147b
FrancisMarengo, Iowa68 1832Pennsylvania
{Family 94}
Chas C WSumner, Iowa27 1873New York180
Mary ESumner, Iowa23 1876Iowa
Bertha GSumner, Iowa1 1899Iowa
{Family 95}
Lewis BClear Creek, Jasper44 1856Iowa13b
Mary MClear Creek, Jasper39 1860Ohio
Leon BClear Creek, Jasper17 1883Iowa
Robert LClear Creek, Jasper12 1888Iowa
Iva MClear Creek, Jasper10 1889Iowa
Eddie MClear Creek, Jasper3 1897Iowa
{Family 96}
InaFairview, Jasper19 1880Indiana62b
{Family 97}
ViolaFairview, Jasper21 1878Indiana60
{Family 98}
HowardNewton, Jasper65 1834Connecticut188
Julia KNewton, Jasper52 1847Connecticut
{Family 99}
Wm HNewton, Jasper35 1864Iowa163
CarrieNewton, Jasper29 1870Iowa
{Family 100}
TheodoreCedar, Jefferson60 1839Ohio22
ClarkannaCedar, Jefferson41 1858Iowa
MaryCedar, Jefferson19 1881Iowa
AmesCedar, Jefferson15 1884Iowa
{Family 101}
AlbertFairfield, Jefferson55 1845Ohio83
Caroline BFairfield, Jefferson38 1861Iowa
Nellie AFairfield, Jefferson14 1886Iowa
James HFairfield, Jefferson10 1890Iowa
{Family 102}
LansingMonticello, Jones45 1855Illinois129
{Family 103}
Fred EOxford, Jones41 1858Pennsylvania173
RosellaOxford, Jones33 1866Iowa
FranklinOxford, Jones18 1882Iowa
Lilian MOxford, Jones16 1883Iowa
Elsie MOxford, Jones12 1887Iowa
RoyOxford, Jones10 1889Iowa
CharlesOxford, Jones7 1893Iowa
GuyOxford, Jones5 1894Iowa
HarryOxford, Jones3 1897Iowa
ClarenceOxford, Jones1 1898Iowa
FranklinOxford, Jones75 1825Connecticut
{Family 104}
John PTitonka, Kossuth28 1871Wisconsin31b
{Family 105}
H L, Rev. Wesley, Kossuth29 1871Iowa161
Mary EWesley, Kossuth32 1868Minnesota
JoyceWesley, Kossuth4 1895Iowa
FrancesWesley, Kossuth3 1896Iowa
LelandWesley, Kossuth0/12 1900Iowa
{Family 106}
Soterios (Loterios)Denmark, Lee47 1852Iowa263
MarthaDenmark, Lee42 1858Iowa
{Family 107}
EzeikelDes Moines, Lee56 1844Indiana275
Sarah EDes Moines, Lee50 1849Indiana
RoswellDes Moines, Lee24 1875Iowa
NannieDes Moines, Lee21 1878Iowa
William GDes Moines, Lee18 1881Iowa
FrankDes Moines, Lee15 1884Iowa
John LDes Moines, Lee13 1886Iowa
{Family 108}
Thomas JDes Moines, Lee72 1827Kentucky274b
Mary JDes Moines, Lee66 1833Indiana
Thomas EDes Moines, Lee32 1867Iowa
Mary MDes Moines, Lee24 1875Iowa
DelbertDes Moines, Lee6 1894Iowa
Beatrice LDes Moines, Lee3 1897Iowa
{Family 109}
EdwinGreen Bay, Lee46 1854Iowa305b
WilliamGreen Bay, Lee16 1883Iowa
{Family 110}
CharlesJackson, Lee43 1856Missouri324
JaneJackson, Lee43 1856Missouri
TheronJackson, Lee14 1885Missouri
LeaJackson, Lee7 1893Iowa
{Family 111}
Samuel LCedar Rapids, Linn27 1872Ohio214b
Letta TCedar Rapids, Linn25 1874Nebraska
Frank HCedar Rapids, Linn4/12 1900Iowa
{Family 112}
EmolineMarion, Linn79 1821New York202
{Family 113}
MelvinMarion, Linn28 1871Iowa203
Fanny RMarion, Linn22 1877Iowa
{Family 114}
NellMarion, Linn55 1845New York202
CarlMarion, Linn17 1883Iowa
{Family 115}
Ferne MCleveland, Lyon12 1887Iowa22b
Delana M (Suspect surname)Cleveland, Lyon8 1891South Dakota
John E (Suspect surname)Cleveland, Lyon4 1895Iowa
Clarence F (Suspect surname)Cleveland, Lyon32 1867Minnesota
{Family 116}
Chas WDoon, Lyon26 1873Iowa39b
Anna LDoon, Lyon25 1874Iowa
{Family 117}
EllaDoon, Lyon19 1881Iowa39b
{Family 118}
JohnDoon, Lyon61 1838Germany39b
NancyDoon, Lyon50 1849Illinois
GertieDoon, Lyon16 1883Iowa
{Family 119}
Paul JRichland, Lyon22 1878Illinois107

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