CASE Families living in Connecticut in 1860.
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NameLocation AgeBirth YearBirth StatePage #
{Family 61}
Anson B Berlin, Hartford 43 1816 Connecticut 364
Mary Berlin, Hartford 40 1819 Connecticut
Francis A Berlin, Hartford 19 1840 Connecticut
{Family 62}
Theron Canton, Hartford 48 1811 Connecticut 465
{Family 63}
Lester Canton, Hartford 50 1809 Connecticut 465
Paulina Canton, Hartford 45 1814 Connecticut
Elinore Canton, Hartford18 1841 Connecticut
Hosea Canton, Hartford 16 1843 Connecticut
Elisen Canton, Hartford 13 1846 Connecticut
Ellios Canton, Hartford 11 1848 Connecticut
Dow Canton, Hartford 9 1850 Connecticut
Sherman Canton, Hartford 4 1855 Connecticut
{Family 64}
Gideon M Canton, Hartford 39 1820 Massachusetts 466
Hannah L Canton, Hartford 31 1828 Massachusetts
Jesse O Canton, Hartford 67 1792 Connecticut
Lydia Canton, Hartford 40 1819 Connecticut
Abigail Canton, Hartford 50 1809 Connecticut
{Family 65}
Richard Canton, Hartford 44 1815 Connecticut 466
Eliza Canton, Hartford 54 1805 Connecticut
{Family 66}
Stiles S Canton, Hartford 46 1813 Connecticut 466
Mary Canton, Hartford 44 1815 Connecticut
Agustus R Canton, Hartford 15 1844 Connecticut
John L Canton, Hartford 12 1847 Connecticut
Julia Canton, Hartford 55 1804 Connecticut
Hannah Canton, Hartford 85 1774 Connecticut
{Family 67}
Morgan Canton, Hartford 48 1811 Connecticut 466
Lucinda Canton, Hartford 77 1782 Connecticut
Maria Canton, Hartford 37 1822 Connecticut
Lydia Canton, Hartford 80 1779 Connecticut
{Family 68}
Bathuel Canton, Hartford 53 1806 Connecticut 467
Climena Canton, Hartford 51 1808 Connecticut
Bainbridge Canton, Hartford 21 1838 Connecticut
Louisa Canton, Hartford18 1841 Connecticut
{Family 69}
Joseph Canton, Hartford 62 1797 Connecticut 468
Cyntha Canton, Hartford 57 1802 Connecticut
Melissa R Canton, Hartford 22 1837 Connecticut
{Family 70}
Rugles Canton, Hartford 70 1789 Connecticut 468
Cintha Canton, Hartford 66 1793 Connecticut
Watson Canton, Hartford 40 1819 Connecticut
Cintha Canton, Hartford 35 1824 Connecticut
Mary Canton, Hartford 28 1831 Connecticut
Henry Canton, Hartford 25 1834 Connecticut
{Family 71}
Watson Canton, Hartford 44 1815 Connecticut 468
Lucinda Canton, Hartford 40 1819 Connecticut
Melvina R Canton, Hartford17 1842 Connecticut
Oliver C Canton, Hartford 14 1845 Connecticut
{Family 72}
Jay Canton, Hartford 42 1817 Connecticut 469
Maria Canton, Hartford 49 1810 Connecticut
Marshal Canton, Hartford17 1842 Connecticut
Mason N Canton, Hartford 14 1845 Connecticut
Statira Canton, Hartford 59 1800 Connecticut
{Family 73}
Neri Canton, Hartford 56 1803 Connecticut 469
Sarah Canton, Hartford 57 1802 Connecticut
Louie Canton, Hartford 31 1828 Connecticut
Jane Canton, Hartford 20 1839 Connecticut
Louisa Canton, Hartford 27 1832 Connecticut
Lucina (Lucius) Canton, Hartford 40 1819 Connecticut
{Family 74}
Everett Canton, Hartford 48 1811 Connecticut 469
Emily Canton, Hartford 42 1817 Connecticut
Antinette Canton, Hartford 22 1837 Connecticut
Everett Canton, Hartford 19 1840 Connecticut
Emily J Canton, Hartford 16 1843 Connecticut
Lucia J Canton, Hartford 12 1847 Connecticut
{Family 75}
Chester Canton, Hartford 50 1809 Connecticut 470
Rhoda Canton, Hartford 46 1813 Connecticut
William Canton, Hartford 19 1840 Connecticut
Sarah R Canton, Hartford17 1842 Connecticut
Richard C Canton, Hartford 16 1843 Connecticut
Wilson Canton, Hartford 12 1847 Connecticut
Frank Canton, Hartford 7 1852 Connecticut
Fred Canton, Hartford 7 1852 Connecticut
{Family 76}
Eliphalet Canton, Hartford 43 1816 Connecticut 470
Charlotte Canton, Hartford 42 1817 Connecticut
Edward Canton, Hartford17 1842 Connecticut
Lowell Canton, Hartford 15 1844 Connecticut
Lennie (Louisa?) Canton, Hartford 10 1849 Connecticut
{Family 77}
Ausell Canton, Hartford 32 1827 Connecticut 471
Warren Canton, Hartford 23 1836 Connecticut
John W Canton, Hartford 12 1847 Connecticut
Catharine Canton, Hartford 55 1804 Connecticut
Julia Canton, Hartford 22 1837 Connecticut
Louisa Canton, Hartford 19 1840 Connecticut
Martha Canton, Hartford 16 1843 Connecticut
{Family 78}
Robert Canton, Hartford 80 1779 Connecticut 471
Martha Canton, Hartford 74 1785 Connecticut
Sidney Canton, Hartford 30 1829 Connecticut
Savilla Canton, Hartford 35 1824 Connecticut
{Family 79}
Ambrose Canton, Hartford 54 1805 Connecticut 471
Susa R Canton, Hartford 50 1809 Connecticut
Frances C Canton, Hartford 10 1849 Connecticut
{Family 80}
Anson Canton, Hartford 69 1790 Connecticut 471
Rachel Canton, Hartford 69 1790 Connecticut
Florence Canton, Hartford 19 1840 Connecticut
{Family 81}
Jared Canton, Hartford 43 1816 Connecticut 471
Lydia Canton, Hartford 40 1819 Connecticut
Orvilla Canton, Hartford 9 1850 Connecticut
Georgianna Canton, Hartford 7 1852 Connecticut
Charles S Canton, Hartford 4 1855 Connecticut
Walter E Canton, Hartford 2 1857 Connecticut
Mary Canton, Hartford 11 1848 Connecticut
{Family 82}
Mary Canton, Hartford 14 1845 Connecticut 477
{Family 83}
Freeman Canton, Hartford 74 1785 Connecticut 477
Sybbil Canton, Hartford 6 1853 Connecticut
Stiles Canton, Hartford 39 1820 Connecticut
Julia A Canton, Hartford 37 1822 New York
Jams b Canton, Hartford 2 1857 Connecticut
Ruth Canton, Hartford 33 1826 Connecticut
Margrette Canton, Hartford 22 1837 Connecticut
{Family 84}
Phinny Canton, Hartford 46 1813 Connecticut 477
Susan Canton, Hartford 43 1816 Connecticut
Sarah Canton, Hartford 21 1838 Connecticut
Alvina H Canton, Hartford 11 1848 Connecticut
{Family 85}
Norton Canton, Hartford 46 1813 Connecticut 478
Anson M Canton, Hartford 20 1839 Connecticut
Erastus E Canton, Hartford 13 1846 Connecticut
Charlotte Canton, Hartford 23 1836 Connecticut
{Family 86}
Hulda Canton, Hartford 42 1817 Connecticut 479
Laura Canton, Hartford 10 1849 Connecticut
{Family 87}
Jarvis Canton, Hartford 58 1801 Connecticut 479
Lucia Canton, Hartford 53 1806 Connecticut
Goerge J Canton, Hartford 24 1835 Connecticut
Ellern M (Elleen M) Canton, Hartford 14 1845 Connecticut
{Family 88}
Berak Canton, Hartford 70 1789 Connecticut 479
Sarah Canton, Hartford 80 1779 Connecticut
{Family 89}
Marvin Canton, Hartford 45 1814 Connecticut 479
Abigail Canton, Hartford 38 1821 Connecticut
Edgar M Canton, Hartford 15 1844 Connecticut
Biola Canton, Hartford 10 1849 Connecticut
Rachael Canton, Hartford 70 1789 Connecticut
{Family 90}
John Canton, Hartford 48 1811 Connecticut 479
Fanny Canton, Hartford 26 1833 Massachusetts
Richard Canton, Hartford 6 1853 Connecticut
James Canton, Hartford 4 1855 Connecticut
Uriah Canton, Hartford 3 1856 Connecticut
Lorinda Canton, Hartford 1 1858 Connecticut
infant Canton, Hartford ? ? Connecticut
Jane Canton, Hartford 70 1789 Connecticut
Clarissa Canton, Hartford 75 1784 Connecticut

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