CASE Families living in Illinois in 1850.
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NameLocation AgeBirth YearBirth StatePage #
{Family 31}
ChaunceyWyoming, Lee481802Connecticut141
MaryWyoming, Lee401810Pennsylvania
MeriamWyoming, Lee211829Pennsylvania
JohnWyoming, Lee191831Pennsylvania
EdwinWyoming, Lee171833Pennsylvania
HenryWyoming, Lee141836Pennsylvania
FrancisWyoming, Lee101840Pennsylvania
HarrietWyoming, Lee81842Pennsylvania
NelsonWyoming, Lee51845Pennsylvania
JuliaWyoming, Lee11849Illinois
{Family 32}
GardnerNot Stated, Macoupin321818Cornwall303
{Family 33}
JamesNot Stated, Macoupin291821Kentucky222b
JaneNot Stated, Macoupin291821Illinois
Martha ANot Stated, Macoupin31847Illinois
John WNot Stated, Macoupin11/1121849Illinois
{Family 34}
WarrenTownship 3N R 5W, Madison351815Vermont572
Sary ATownship 3N R 5W, Madison261824Tennessee
William STownship 3N R 5W, Madison71843Illinois
BensonTownship 3N R 5W, Madison21848Illinois
Rasins (Casius)Township 3N R 5W, Madison6/121850Ohio
{Family 35}
AdalineTownship 6N R 10W, Madison171833Missouri422
{Family 36}
AbrahamNot Stated, Mason241826Pennsylvania200
EllenNot Stated, Mason241826Pennsylvania
ElviraNot Stated, Mason31847Pennsylvania
LivaNot Stated, Mason11849Pennsylvania
{Family 37}
HenryNot Stated, Mason291821Pennsylvania200
FannyNot Stated, Mason291821Pennsylvania
MinerNot Stated, Mason61844Pennsylvania
HendrickNot Stated, Mason31847Illinois
MaryNot Stated, Mason5/121850Illinois
PhillipNot Stated, Mason231827Pennsylvania
{Family 38}
JosephNot Stated, Mason291821Pennsylvania200
SarahNot Stated, Mason271823Pennsylvania
AlonzoNot Stated, Mason21848Pennsylvania
{Family 39}
Archibard (Archibald)Alden, McHenry501800New York427b
OliveAlden, McHenry421808New York
ChasAlden, McHenry191831New York
AlmedaAlden, McHenry161834New York
SarahAlden, McHenry141836New York
AllenAlden, McHenry91841New York
FranklinAlden, McHenry21848Illinois
{Family 40}
MarandaAlden, McHenry31847Illinois431b
{Family 41}
DariusHebron, McHenry231837New York468
Wm Hebron, McHenry111839New York
Ann SHebron, McHenry81842New York
John HHebron, McHenry61844New York
CynthiaHebron, McHenry61844New York
{Family 42}
J MHebron, McHenry421808New York468b
HannahHebron, McHenry421808New York
Eunice JHebron, McHenry151835
{Family 43}
HenryRichmond, McHenry241826Ohio459
HannahRichmond, McHenry231827Pennsylvania
NancyRichmond, McHenry11849Illinois
{Family 44}
ThadiusBloomington, McLean381812New York2b
RachealBloomington, McLean361814New York
JohnBloomington, McLean121838Illinois
Mary EBloomington, McLean41846Illinois
{Family 45}
LewisOldtown, McLean411809New York91
SarahOldtown, McLean411809New York
Mary AOldtown, McLean171833Ohio
OliverOldtown, McLean151835Illinois
Sarah EOldtown, McLean101840Illinois
Hannah EOldtown, McLean71843Illinois
Zerelda TOldtown, McLean31847Illinois
{Family 46}
L LTownship 13N R 3W, Mercer41846Illinois354b
{Family 47}
Geo WNot Stated, Moultrie371813New York381b
Angeline RNot Stated, Moultrie321818New York
MatildaNot Stated, Moultrie81842Illinois
Alphens NNot Stated, Moultrie51845Illinois
Geo WNot Stated, Moultrie21847Illinois
AndrewNot Stated, Moultrie2/121850Illinois
{Family 48}
Lyell(Loyell)Byron, Ogle371813Pennsylvania113b
FannyByron, Ogle471803New York
{Family 49}
MosesByron, Ogle601790New York113
RachelByron, Ogle621788New York
MariahByron, Ogle251825Pennsylvania
{Family 50}
Luke Buffalo, Ogle351815Ohio43
ClarndaBuffalo, Ogle201830Connecticut
Fanny ABuffalo, Ogle71843Connecticut
Alvin HBuffalo, Ogle21848Connecticut
{Family 51}
ImoriNot Stated, Peoria321812New York217
SelinaNot Stated, Peoria211829New York
Ensley ANot Stated, Peoria21848Iowa
{Family 52}
JeromeNot Stated, Peoria291821New York216b
MariaNot Stated, Peoria261824New York
AbertNot Stated, Peoria41846Illinois
Chas HNot Stated, Peoria31847Illinois217
ClarraNot Stated, Peoria11849Illinois
Chloe ANot Stated, Peoria661784Vermont
{Family 53}
Lodema (Lorema)Sangamon, Piatt41846New Jersey6b
{Family 54}
WashingtonNot Stated, Pope361814Kentucky269
BetsyNot Stated, Pope441807Tennessee
JohnNot Stated, Pope141836Tennessee
WilliamNot Stated, Pope121838Kentucky
LewisNot Stated, Pope111839Kentucky
GeorgeNot Stated, Pope81842Kentucky
FeribaNot Stated, Pope61844Kentucky
LottNot Stated, Pope51845Kentucky269b
MarthaNot Stated, Pope41846Illinois
{Family 55}
Lorain RNot Stated, Putnam361814New York347b
Rebecca JNot Stated, Putnam311819Pennsylvania
Gertrude KNot Stated, Putnam81842Illinois
Hannah RNot Stated, Putnam41846Illinois
Sevilla HNot Stated, Putnam11849Illinois
{Family 56}
J HRock Island Lower Ward,
Rock Island
JuliaRock Island Lower Ward,
Rock Island
HenryRock Island Lower Ward,
Rock Island
SarahRock Island Lower Ward,
Rock Island
ElizaRock Island Lower Ward,
Rock Island
{Family 57}
CharlesRock Island Upper Ward,
Rock Island
MargaretRock Island Upper Ward,
Rock Island
Sarah LRock Island Upper Ward,
Rock Island
Sophia JRock Island Upper Ward,
Rock Island
CharlesRock Island Upper Ward,
Rock Island
HiramRock Island Upper Ward,
Rock Island
AselRock Island Upper Ward,
Rock Island
{Family 58}
AnnNot Stated, Sangamon271823Vermont196b
{Family 59}
CharlesNot Stated, Sangamon391811Unknown150
{Family 60}
HWinchester, Scott261824Connecticut4

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