These links come and go. Be sure to bookmark a link if you want to keep visiting it....it's liable to disappear from here.
Or click HERE to get an email notice of changes on this and the other pages I have.
Bad CDs? Useless CDs?
Don't toss those valuable CDs in the garbage... The United States Coast Guard Auxilliary wants them!
The USCG Auxiliary of Indianapolis has a need for useless CDs for their Safe Boating Project that makes the useless CDs
into survival reflectors for boaters.(Each and every life jacket should have one stowed in a accessible pocket to signal for rescue) They give these away free!
You can send your CDs to:
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
7625 Indian Lake Rd.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46236
is THE place to go to access hundreds of links for databases, homepages, surnames, cemeteries, immigrants, etc!!
A Word a Day- Hone your mind!
Hummingbirds & Bluebirds are one of my passions. Check out this site.
Universal Currency Converter is where to go to see how much this amount equals in another country.
Find links for free web space here
MapQuest! Interactive Map is a most wonderful mapping site. This site zooms in
on anywhere, allows you to add points of interest, and then saves it for you!
Register today!
The Tiger Map
Server This site is ideal for getting a fix on locations, and you can
use the US Gazeteer as an aid in the mapping.
Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection is the ideal site to get a map of about anything you need.
the LIST has listed 9,400 Internet Service Providers
BiblioFind the Internet's largest inventory of old, used and
rare books, offered by hundreds of booksellers around the world.
Welcome to Amazon.com Books! Search 2.5 million titles. Enjoy consistently low prices.
YAHOO People Search is a great site for searching for people!
Switchboard is an online telephone
book, for nationwide residential and business numbers.
Belgium Phonebook has 4 Million names available to search around in.
Granny's Toy Box has sites
for kids of all ages. Games, coloring on-line, entertainment galore.
Kendra's Coloring
Book is an interactive virtual coloring book....add your color to another user's
colored picture!
Mail a Meal has ALLLL kinds of good eats!
Make Someone's Day!! Email a voodoo Doll to them.....a really neat site!
Virtual Flowers is another great site for sending email bouquets to someone.
Send an electronic Holiday Card!! Some cute cards on this site.
Animated Electronic Greeting Card
is a GREAT site. View your anmated card online!
Ask Earl the yard care guy about gardening help, weeds, etc.
Seeds of Change, Oganically Grown Seeds is a commercial endeavor, but the site is good to look at
The Tele-Garden is an on-line real life garden that you can work in!
Strategic Games for the Internet. Virtual real-time interactive games....Backgammon is the only game
available right now.
Earth and see the cloud cover via Satellite! Also see day and night in
different locations.
As I browse the 'Net, if I find something that I like, I will post it here. So be sure to periodically
take a look at this homepage for updates. If you had seen something here, but it is gone now,
about it.
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Background courtesy of Stormi
Thanks Stormi!
Links Verified 10-02-2010