CASE Families living in New York in 1920.
Page 8
This index is an 'as-is' report from Time constraints force me to skip looking up the census record images for proofreading, so there are no page numbers listed for the people here. I am hoping that as you locate your people, you will make note of the page number and share it with me for listing here:

NameLocation Birth Year
+- 1 year
Birth StateRelationshipPage #
{Family 211}
MaryBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1870New YorkHead
WilliamBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1907New YorkAdopted
{Family 212}
Edward W
Surnames listed Care
Buffalo Ward 23, Erie1886New YorkHead
Gearldine TBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1891New YorkWife
Alice TBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1912New YorkDaughter
Whitney GBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1915New YorkSon
JosephineBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1918New YorkDaughter
{Family 213}
GladysBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1893New YorkNiece
LaverneBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1900New YorkNephew
{Family 214}
Andrew JBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1864New YorkHead
Myrtle MBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1879OhioWife
{Family 215}
MarjoryBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1856CanadaHead
MaybelleBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1888CanadaDaughter
{Family 216}
Warren F
Surname listed Carl
Buffalo Ward 23, Erie1893New YorkLodger
{Family 217}
Herbert FBuffalo Ward 23, Erie1890New YorkRoomer
{Family 218}
Summer [Sumner]Buffalo Ward 24, Erie1858New YorkHead
{Family 219}
Frances MBuffalo Ward 25, Erie1844New YorkHead
{Family 220}
FrancisBuffalo Ward 27, Erie1884New JerseyHead
HelenBuffalo Ward 27, Erie1885New JerseyWife
VernaBuffalo Ward 27, Erie1909New JerseyDaughter
{Family 221}
NilesCollins, Erie1859United States of AmericaPatient
{Family 222}
LymanEast Aurora, Erie1862New YorkHead
MaymeEast Aurora, Erie1869New YorkWife
HaroldEast Aurora, Erie1892New YorkSon
MarieEast Aurora, Erie1898New YorkDaughter
{Family 223}
Surname listed Carl
Evans, Erie1848GermanyHead
{Family 224}
Surnames listed Care
Evans, Erie1888New YorkHead
ClaraEvans, Erie1892New YorkWife
GeraldineEvans, Erie1918New YorkDaughter
{Family 225}
William HEvans, Erie1863New YorkHead
{Family 226}
William BEvans, Erie1902New YorkLodger
{Family 227}
CliffordEvans, Erie1896New YorkHead
MabelEvans, Erie1900New YorkWife
{Family 228}
Henry FHamburg, Erie1855New YorkHead
Alice BHamburg, Erie1874New YorkWife
Henry F Jr.Hamburg, Erie1899New YorkSon
Donald BHamburg, Erie1910New YorkSon
{Family 229}
JohnHamburg, Erie1875New YorkHead
EleanorHamburg, Erie1882New YorkWife
DorothyHamburg, Erie1902New YorkDaughter
EvelynHamburg, Erie1906New YorkDaughter
HowardHamburg, Erie1909New YorkSon
{Family 230}
Lulia M [Julia]Marilla, Erie1840New YorkHead
{Family 231}
EvardMoriah, Essex1892New JerseyHead168b
JennieMoriah, Essex1892New YorkWife
{Family 232}
FredFranklin, Franklin1871New YorkEmployee
{Family 233}
Willard MGloversville Ward 1, Fulton1889New YorkHead
Jennie MGloversville Ward 1, Fulton1883New YorkWife
Rose MGloversville Ward 1, Fulton1916New YorkDaughter
{Family 234}
William HGloversville Ward 1, Fulton1848New YorkHead
JennieGloversville Ward 1, Fulton1852New JerseyWife
James HGloversville Ward 1, Fulton1872New YorkSon
MillardGloversville Ward 1, Fulton1873New YorkSon
{Family 235}
Ada TurnerGloversville Ward 3, Fulton1890North CarolinaRoomer
JuneGloversville Ward 3, Fulton1918New YorkDaughter
{Family 236}
Lucy MGloversville Ward 4, Fulton1844PennsylvaniaMother-in-law
{Family 237}
EarlGloversville Ward 5, Fulton1890New YorkHead
EthelGloversville Ward 5, Fulton1892New YorkWife
DorisGloversville Ward 5, Fulton1913New YorkDaughter
{Family 238}
A Hosmer [Homer]Gloversville Ward 5, Fulton1849New YorkHead
SarahGloversville Ward 5, Fulton1854New YorkWife
{Family 239}
WillisGloversville Ward 6, Fulton1874New YorkHead
ElisabethGloversville Ward 6, Fulton1874New YorkWife
BeatriceGloversville Ward 6, Fulton1908New YorkDaughter
{Family 240}
RaymondJohnstown Ward 2, Fulton1898New YorkHead
MabelJohnstown Ward 2, Fulton1899New YorkWife
KennethJohnstown Ward 2, Fulton1918New YorkSon

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