CASE Families living in
Un-named County Alabama 1880

NameCity AgeBirth Yr.Birth StateRelationF. BPM. BPPage #
{Family #1}
Jane  40 <1840> Georgia MotherGAGA399

CASE Families living in
CHAMBERS County Alabama 1880

NameCity AgeBirth Yr.Birth StateRelationF. BPM. BPPage #
{Family #2}
Isaac 28 Georgia SelfGAGA246b
Billie 26 Georgia SelfGAGA
Georgia Ann 11 Georgia SelfGAGA
The above 4 people aren’t
listed in’s database
 7 Georgia SelfGAGA
Adline  19 <1861>Georgia SisterGAGA
Ella   16 <1864>Georgia SisterGAGA

CASE Families living in
DeKALB County Alabama 1880

NameCity AgeBirth Yr.Birth StateRelationF. BPM. BPPage #
{Family #3}
Beat 13
John  40 <1840>Tennessee Self  537b
Mary  38 <1842>Alabama WifeTNAL
James  16 <1864>Alabama SonTNAL
Sarah  11 <1869>Alabama DauTNAL
Larra  9 <1871>Georgia DauTNAL
Olly  8 <1872>Georgia DauTNAL
Mary  5 <1875>Georgia DauTNAL
Joseph  1 <1879>Alabama SonTNAL
{Family #4}
Beat 7
David C.  31 <1849>Tennessee SelfTNTN597c
Roxanna J.  25 <1855>Alabama WifeTNTN
Joseph L.  3 <1877>Alabama SonTNAL

Return to CASE in 1880 AL census